Master They Ask You Answer. Achieve Unmatched Results.

Endless Customers (formerly They Ask, You Answer) is the most proven sales-led, marketing-powered framework for achieving online dominance in your space. It dramatically increases trust and explodes your traffic, leads, and sales.


You Read The Book. Now What?

You read "They Ask You Answer" or saw Marcus Sheridan give a keynote, and now you want to implement it in your organization. Here is the thing, though: while the premise behind They Ask, You Answer is straightforward, the actual application of the methodology comes with its own set of challenges.

While many companies worldwide have successfully implemented They Ask You Answer by simply applying what they learned in the book, some organizations have failed miserably by going it alone.

Do I Really Need A Coach?

While every organization can implement They Ask, You Answer themselves, many have found it helpful to master it under the guidance of an Impact Certified Coach.

A coach ensures that you do things in the proper order and helps you avoid making mistakes people usually make. They will hold you and your team accountable and set you up for success after graduating from the program. 

Just like you would hire an architect to design your house, hiring a certified coach to implement They Ask You Answer makes sense for most organizations.

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Benefits Of A Coach-Led Mastery Program

Even the best athletes have coaches. Why? Because they know that a coach will get you there faster. By doing this journey with a coach, you can achieve mastery faster and reap the rewards of implementing the TAYA methodology earlier.

The main advantage is that you have an Impact Certified They Ask You Answer Coach to guide you through the journey, hold you accountable, and make sure that you do the right work at the right time.

A coach will help you:

  • Create a tailored They Ask You Answer/Endless Customers strategy for your unique company
  • Align your sales and marketing team to eliminate silos and increase both teams' effectiveness
  • Create a culture of performance in which every employee understands how they contribute to your mission
  • Hire, onboard, and train your in-house marketing team to create world-class content better than any agency could
  • Empower your sales team with the content, skills, and tools they need to succeed in a virtual sales environment
  • Define a long-term content strategy (written, audio, and video) and create processes that "get stuff done"
  • Leverage AI and emerging technologies to become more efficient and productive while creating a competitive advantage
  • Get the most out of tools required for success, e.g., Hubspot Marketing and Sales Hub.

Our promise to you is that, after you do this work, you will never have to rely on a marketing agency again because you will have the required skills, experience, and competencies in-house. That means you own your marketing, you can scale up and down as needed, and rely on your own employees.

Not everyone has what it takes to become a certified They Ask, You Answer coach. The program begins with a 6-month commitment and over 70 hours of training, teaching, coaching, and role-playing.

With my coaching and direct supervision, Hannah has successfully completed IMPACT's They Ask, You Answer coaching program and can skillfully guide and coach organizations of any size to increase their sales and become the most trusted voice in their space.

On their own, most companies will fail to achieve the results they strive for, and that's why they hire and work with a certified They Ask You Answer coach. A coach knows exactly what you should be doing, they hold you to the highest standards, and they make sure you avoid the most common mistakes so you implement They Ask, You Answer at your highest potential.

As your certified They Ask, You Answer coach, Hannah will not let you fail - she expects the best from you and your team and will push and challenge you to step up. My team and I at IMPACT have provided Hannah with exclusive access to the intellectual property that includes all the business tools and learning materials required to take your company from good to great! We have full confidence that Hannah will lead your organization to incredible TAYA success.
What To Expect

Expected Outcomes & Benefits

Going through a They Ask You Answer Mastery program is no small commitment. It touches almost every aspect of your business. It requires dedication and hard work.

However, the rewards are abundant:

They Ask You Answer Implementation
How it works

Training Process, Format, & Topics

What's Included In The Mastery Program?

Committing to a coaching program can feel daunting or risky, as you might not be sure what you are getting when you sign up. We don't want you to feel that way, but rather, we want you to be crystal clear about what to expect.

  • Accelerated implementation of the framework. Realize all the benefits of They Ask You Answer faster under the guidance of your coach.
  • Strategic guidance. Our job is to ensure that you do the right work at the right time. This helps you avoid costly mistakes, distractions, and straying off course.
  • Executive management coaching. Successfully implementing They Ask You Answer means transforming your corporate identity and culture. We will coach you to create and nurture a long-term performance culture.
  • Subject matter expert training. We will develop and hone your internal teams' skill sets with regular training, role-plays, feedback, and more to make sure you are set up for success.
  • Accountability. This program is about "Getting Stuff Done." Your coach will hold you and your team accountable to keep you on track and consistently moving toward your goals.
They Ask You Answer Included

What Training Topics Are Covered?

What Coaching & Training Format Should I Expect?

We use various formats in our training and coaching sessions, including remote/virtual training via Zoom, in-person meetings, independent and in-demand learning, and asynchronous communication.

  • 1:1 Executive leadership coaching
  • Virtual or in-person large group workshops (e.g., Alignment Day)
  • Virtual planning sessions (Quarterly Planning sessions)
  • Small virtual group training (e.g., sales roleplays)
  • 1:1 Subject Matter Expert training (e.g., content manager)
  • On-demand video courses and articles

Your coach decides which format is most suitable for which activity depending on your organization's needs and situation.

They Ask You Answer Training Format

Meet Your Coach

Hannah Eisenberg is a Certified They Ask You Answer Coach trained directly under Marcus Sheridan and the Impact team of coaches.

Hannah has 20+ years of marketing experience and has coached sales and marketing teams for more than 12 years.


The Process


Talk To A Coach

The first step in any coach-led They Ask You Answer mastery journey is to talk to a coach. This allows you to get a first-hand impression of what this journey will look and feel like. 

Kick-Off & Alignment

Once you decide to start your coach-led They Ask You Answer journey, we will start with a company-wide alignment day so everyone is bought in and understands the Why, How, and When behind the transformation that is about to begin.

90-Day Planning Session

The next step is to hold our first 90-day Planning Session. This 3 to 4-hour meeting is a critical milestone that allows us to plan the priorities for the next three months. 

Execution & Improvement

The next step is to hold our first 90-day Planning Session. This 3 to 4-hour meeting is a critical milestone that allows us to plan the priorities for the next three months. 

Month-By-Month Timeline

What Does An Endless Customer Journey Look Like?

How long is the commitment?

Depending on your goals and the time, resources, and effort you put in, you could graduate from the "They Ask, You Answer" program in 12-24 months. 

  • 24 months: Best for companies who have never aligned their marketing & sales teams and/or who don’t have a content trainer and videographer in-house) 
  • 18 months: Best for companies that are just getting started with They Ask, You Answer and don’t have a content manager hired yet)
  • 12 months: Best for companies who already have a content manager and videographer in-house and are ready to hit the ground running)

Most mid-size organizations take about 18 months. Some companies prefer a "Slow Down To Speed Up" approach where they go somewhat slower in the first six months or so but speed up once they find their rhythm and start seeing the drastic changes happening. 

This doesn't mean you are locked into a contract for that time period. If you decide this isn't for you, our usual 30-day notice terms apply.

Example Endless Customer Journey

Below is an example of what an Endless Customer Journey in 24 months could look like.  Remember that every journey to mastery is unique as every company starts at a different point, has different skills, or will prioritize other aspects of the journey to fit their unique needs.

Learn more about the month-to-month journey

Day 1: Alignment Day

Your Endless CustomersTM Journey starts with a company-wide Alignment Day. 

By The End Of Month 3:

  • Your in-house content manager is hired and onboarded.
  • Your marketing and sales team are aligned. A revenue team is formed.
  • Your sales process is mapped out, and your initial content strategy (editorial calendar) is defined.
  • The initial "Big 5" content is published.
  • Set up HubSpot (incl. baseline analytics & reporting)

By The End Of Month 6:

  • You launched your Learning Center.
  • Your content manager is producing 2-3 "Big 5" articles a week.
  • Your sales team uses assignment selling, 1:1 videos, and virtual selling.
  • Your messaging is finalized, and the first website improvements are completed.
  • Address your pricing on your website
  • CRM adoption is consistent across teams.

By The End Of Month 9:

  • Your in-house videographer is hired and onboarded. Video equipment is purchased.
  • Video marketing strategy is defined. Video quality standards have been set.
  • Content marketing skills are now fine-tuned. Outside content review is no longer needed.
  • An in-depth buyer's guide is completed.
  • Sales analytics and reporting are refined.
  • Noticeable increase in leads and sales.

By The End Of Month 12:

  • Advanced Content Strategy & Optimization
  • All of the "Selling 7" videos are completed.
  • Self-service tools, e.g., ROI calculator, are created.
  • Annual company-wide alignment workshop
  • Advanced data-driven decisions
  • Experiments with AI and emerging technologies to educate buyers and build trust.

By The End Of Month 18:

  • Measurable traction with Video Marketing
  • Advanced website optimization
  • Support of all significant buying decisions with self-service tools
  • A regular cadence of customer journey videos
  • Advances AI experiments and success

By Month 24 & Beyond:

  • Significant increase in leads and sales
  • Mastery of most Endless Customers principles achieved
  • Mastery Coaching turns into Guidance Coaching to maintain Endless Customer mastery status

How Much Does It Cost?

How much does the They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program cost?

The investment required for our training and coaching services varies depending on

  • The size of your business and your team,
  • The pace at which you want to complete this program (and achieve results),
  • Your current or available staffing and software resources.

For example, a small business with less than $2.5mn in annual revenue invests about $4,000/month for about 18 to 24 months. For a mid-size company ($2.5mn to $50mn in annual revenue), the monthly investment is usually between $6,000 to $7,000 for 12 to 18 months.

What other costs should I expect to succeed with They Ask, You Answer?

In addition to the coaching and training investment, there are three other cost categories to consider.

  • Marketing Automation & CRM. Almost all companies embracing They Ask, You Answer successfully use HubSpot for their marketing automation and CRM, Vidyard to create and host their videos, and Semrush, for their SEO/keyword research. The software license budget can range between $1,000-$3,500/mo.
  • Content Manager & Videographer Salary. This can, of course, greatly vary depending on the location you are in, but on average, you should budget between $45,000 - $60,000/year per role.
  • Video Equipment. To do video successfully in-house, you will need to buy some video equipment, such as a camera, lighting, and a backdrop. Again, huge ranges here depending on your needs and preferences. Most businesses invest anywhere for $1,800-$10,000.

What ROI Can I Expect?

It is hard to pinpoint the exact ROI you can expect because the results greatly depend on your niche, the effort and investment you put in, and how fast you embrace the methodology. But what we can say with certainty is that all of our customers who did the work have achieved unmatched results that have not only transformed their business but are starting to change their industry.

If you are planning to implement They Ask You Answer with us, our goal is to get you to a point where you get noticeable results in just six months and a significant uptick in leads and revenue in about 12-18 months.

Since you will become self-sufficient with your content creation and other marketing tasks, you will eliminate the need for expensive marketing agencies within the first two to three months. For most companies, paid advertisements can be switched off in just six to twelve months.

Next Steps

How To Get Started

What makes you a good fit?

While They Ask, You Answer can be implemented by every organization in every industry, it isn't a good fit for every company. For example, rather than learning how to do it in-house, some companies prefer to hire an agency on a month-to-month retainer basis. If that sounds like you, this program isn't for you.

In addition, working with a coach isn't for everyone or every company culture. To get the most out of working with a coach, you need to be:

  • Willing to try something new. A lot of our clients are in industries that haven't changed in decades, making them a trailblazer.
  • Comfortable to be pushed outside your comfort zone. Growth and learning only happen when we step outside our comfort zone. This can feel uncomfortable sometimes.
  • Honest and transparent. They Ask You Answer is all about talking about and showing things others aren't willing to talk about or show. 
  • Open-minded and willing to learn. One of the most important prerequisites for They Ask, You Answer is open-mindedness and the willingness to learn. 
  • Data-driven. Are you obsessed with measuring the effectiveness of your blog posts and landing pages? Or maybe you are looking for ways to attribute revenue to specific marketing activities but haven't quite figured out how to do that yet? 

Doesn't sound like you? That's okay. But if this is right up your alley, we should talk!

Simply pick a 30-60 minute slot in my calendar to get started.

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